You’ve Got Goals to Crush + People to Serve

When you get an idea of something awesome to improve your marketing, client experience, or deliverables – you want it done now. Not in 6-8 weeks!

Instead of going through a long, drawn out design process, the Design VIP Day gives you same day results!

It’s like having a designer on retainer without paying hefty retainer fees or hiring a full-time team member. You’re welcome! 


A Design VIP Day is Perfect for:

• Website updates + additions 
• Website template customization
• PDF designs (service guides, lead magnets, etc.)
• Secondary or one-off logo
• Social media templates
• Printed collateral designs (packaging, mailers, etc.)
• Other random design projects that pop up

A Design VIP Day is NOT for:

• Full brand design
• Full website
• Projects that need a longer discovery and design process

“The work Ellie has done for us has made our team more confident in sharing what we do with more people.”

– chronic illness solution

Your website and marketing materials are constantly growing and changing with your business. VIP Days help you stay up-to-date and always looking your best!

Let’s Get Your Design Done in A Day

You don’t have to sacrifice top-notch results for speed. With a Design VIP Day, you get the personality-driven, detail-oriented, this is so me design you deserve…

And you get it at the end of the day! 

To get started, click the button below to let me know what kind of project you need help with and I’ll take it from there. 

Full-Day: $750
Timeline: 6 hours

Half-Day: $550
Timeline: 4 hours

What If I Implemented Everything For You?

Add an Implementation Session to your brand project for the complete “done for you” experience. 

I’ll take all the incredible brand assets I’ve designed and put them into action for you wherever they’re needed:
• Social media
• Email signature
• CRM 
• Project management tool
• Payment processors
• Course platforms

This stress-reducing, time-saving service is available to add on to any custom brand design project!

We will get your new branding implemented during a VIP Day.

It’s time to upgrade your brand if you…

This quick-turnaround service isn’t just about speed… you’re getting:

An Affordable Option

Keeping a designer on retainer or hiring one full-time is expensive. This service gives you the same access without the hefty price tag!

On-Demand Design

Dream up a new lead magnet? Need a sub-logo for a new course? I’ve got you! We can even combine smaller projects if you’ve got a list!

Implementation Help

I won’t just send over your design and wish you the best, I’ll show you how to actually use what I’ve created and answer all your questions!


Looking for custom branding or full website design?

I’ve got just what you need!


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